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The Magic of Celebrity Costumes

Costume parties are entertaining to say the least. They bring about a feeling of child like whimsicality. The use of costumes affords an opportunity to be someone else for a day. This is a temporary escape from the realities and stress of ones own life. As a result, dressing up delivers a certain carefree excitement. For a short time, a person may indulge in the magic of an unknown world. For a moment they are graced with fame, social stamina, and an enchanting sense of stardom. Below is some information on fun celebrity costumes which you may find interesting.
Marilyn Monroe's sexy, low cut, white dress

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was a 1950’s & 60’s sex symbol. She was a well known performer. Her talents led her to fame as an actress, singer, and renowned model. Ms. Monroe owned a signature look. She was well known for her wavy blonde hair which she wore in a bob cut, curvaceous figure, and red lips. Most of the world remembers Marilyn wearing a sexy, low cut, white dress. Of course, you can’t forget the birth mark for which she gained amazing fame. This was a small brown beauty mark situated just above her lip, on the right side of her face. If you wish to dress up like Marilyn Monroe simply mimic the attributes above.

Elvis Presley

Elvis will forever be known as the “king of rock and roll”. He held a look like no other. To create a Elvis costume one simply needs to wear a low cut white shirt, a pair of white bell bottom pants, and accent them with a wide gold belt. To complete the King ensemble, add a red cape, black wig, and dark sun glasses.

Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner is the founder of the beloved playboy bunnies. Hugh spends his days lounging around the Playboy Bunny mansion. To simulate his dress wear a pair of black pajama bottoms, and a red bed jacket. Make certain to add a set of black dress shoes and a tobacco pipe. If possible select a bed jacket with a playboy bunny emblem on the back.

Lindsey Lohan

To dress up like this sexy singer you only need a long blonde wig, short hot pink spandex dress, a wide patten leather belt, and black stilettos. Wear a pair of sheer black gloves and a pair of sun glasses on your head. Don’t forget to add some shiny red lip gloss.

Lady Gaga

For this costume you will need a tunic dress (preferably in a zebra print), a black corset which you will wear as a belt, black fish net stockings, and high heeled boots. Add a long white wig, bug shield sun glasses, and a microphone. You will look like a singing sensation.
These are only a few of the many celebrity costume choices. Select the celebrity which best fits your individual personality. Get creative and have fun.
Author: Melissa Davis is fashion blogger from Australia. Love to write about fashion, style and costumes. Melissa lives in Brisbane with her husband where she enjoys in shopping and sports.

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