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Teach Your Kids How To Cook with Simple Recipes

As our children grow it is important to instil in them an appreciation for food and good eating habits. A great way to do this is to get them into the kitchen with you and teach them how to make a great home cooked meal. Below are some simple recipes to teach your kids how to cook and imbed in them some great skills they can take into the future.

Blueberry Fluffy Cups

This creamy dessert is sure to put a smile on your child’s face. You will need 2 Cups of fresh blueberries, 1 Cup of fresh cream, 2 tablespoons of water, ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract, ½ cup of sugar. Add the berries to a saucepan along with the water and sugar. Stir this over medium heat until they become soft. Set this aside to cool down.

Add the cream to a mixing bowl and beat until it becomes light and fluffy then add the vanilla extract. When the berries are cool enough add these to the cream and gently fold them in until they are well combined. Refrigerate this for around 2 hours then spoon it into some dessert cups.

If you wish you can sprinkle the top with chocolate flakes.

Strawberry Frost Pops

You will need 4 cups of strawberries, 1/3 cup of punch, flavoured soft drink mix, a butter knife (safer for kids) 1/3 measuring cup, an electric blender, 6 small paper cups, and 6 pop sticks.

Cut the stems from the strawberries with the butter knife or pinch them off with your fingers. Add the strawberries and other ingredients into the blender and blend this until it becomes smooth.

Pour the mixture into the paper cups and freeze for about an hour. After this time you can then add a pop stick into the cups and continue to freeze for around another 3 hours until completely frozen.

Mini Pizzas

There is an endless amount of options for your child’s very own homemade pizzas. Firstly let them choose what they want to use as a base. They can use a piece of bread if you don’t have any pizza bases or know how to make them.

Secondly let them choose either bbq or tomato sauce to spread onto the pizza base. Once your child has done this they can then sprinkle a small layer of cheese over the top. Now let them choose what topping they would like to add. My children love red capsicum with fried chicken and spring onion. If your child is too young to dice these up make sure you do it for them.

Sprinkle the toppings onto the pizza and add a little more cheese over the top. Have the oven on a low heat when using bread so that you don’t burn it. When using a pizza base use the directions for them. Cook the pizzas until the cheese is melted nicely and enjoy!

Author: Mikes has 2 children under 10. He is always looking for new educational games and activities to keep them entertained while teach them something. Mike is also a regular contributor to parenting blogs.

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