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How To Fight Stretch Marks

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Stretch marks are common scars that are often left when the skin overstretches and the dermis layer fibers of the skin get broken. They usually appear after a sudden weight loss or weight gain particularly in the teenage years or during pregnancy. Teenagers experience fast growth spurts, leading to these marks, while additional weight gain is responsible for stretch marks associated with pregnant women. They may also be caused by an increase in steroid hormones. Obesity and weightlifting also cause this condition. About 90 percent of women have stretch marks. These marks are often found on the upper arms, legs, buttocks, breast and abdomen.
Prevention is of course essential. It is advisable to treat them as soon as they appear. Here are some prevention and treatment methods for stretch marks.

Home remedies

Home remedies are usually tried before resorting to over-the-counter and surgical remedies. This is mainly because they have no side effects. The following stretch mark home treatments have proved effective in getting rid of this condition. They include:

  • Wheat germ oil: Studies indicate that wheat germ oil is quite effective when the marks are in their early stages.
  • Vitamin C: It helps increase the production of collagen. Therefore, you need to increase the consumption of vitamin C in your daily diet. The other alternative is to take vitamin C supplements.
  • Nutritional supplements: Some stretch marks may occur due to nutritional deficiency. Therefore, it is advisable to increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc. Milk, citrus fruits, carrots, fish, nuts and protein-rich foods like eggs should be included in your daily diet to treat such condition.
  • Lemon juice: It acts as a bleaching agent hence works well on scars and marks. It can be gently rubbed on the stretch marks and then allowed to dry.
  • Vitamin E: You can massage the areas affected by marks with essential oil, particularly vitamin E oil. It is advisable to leave it overnight to get better results. Another alternative is to mix cocoa butter, Aloe Vera gel and vitamin E oil. Apply this mixture on the stretch marks and let it dry, before washing it.


Over-the-counter treatments

There are several over-the-counter treatment products that available to alleviate this problem. However, you need to consult your healthcare professional to know the best way to handle it. Different types of lotions and creams help in enhancing the skin texture and reducing the visibility of these marks. Though not a regular over-the-counter stretch mark treatment product, Glycolic acid also helps to treat the condition. Glycolic acid is a type of alpha hydroxyl acid and it is obtained from sugarcane. It enhances the production of collagen and so treats the marks.

Surgical methods

Among the different surgical methods available, laser surgery and chemical peels are often used to control this condition. Dermabrasion is another widely used procedure. These procedures can be carried out by a dermatologist.
The aforementioned treatment methods have proved effective in treating stretch marks. However, remember that these marks might take some considerable time to eradicate them completely.

Check out this video about “7 Home Remedies for Stretch Marks”

Author: Victor Daily writes about healthy nutrition and fitness. He is also a consultant for Ping Ming Health. When he is not writing, he enjoys outdoor activities and traveling.

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