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How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Brushing teeth

Image courtesy of photostock

Coffee, soda pop, citrus fruits, and red wine are all things I love to ingest on any given day. They are also 4 big contributing factors to why my teeth were starting to look a little dull, grey, and blah.
Let’s just say that my pearly whites weren’t looking too pearly white!
So I decided to do something that not only helped to whiten my teeth but also costs far less then you would spend on whitening treatments at your dentist or at any pharmacy.
Not only is it working but it’s a quick and natural solution to the chemical-laden treatments you may have opted for in the past.
And the best part? It’s simple!

What You Need

What makes this recipe so great is that you only need two ingredients. Yes, TWO!
In a small bowl, combine:
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  • 2 strawberries, chopped up and mashed until smooth
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

That’s it! I bet you are already wondering why you haven’t been doing this treatment all along.

How To Whiten Your Teeth

Once you have your ingredients together in your bowl, simply:
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  • mix together your strawberries and baking soda until it creates a paste
  • dip a new, clean toothbrush (not your regular toothbrush) into the paste
  • start brushing the surfaces of your teeth with your whitening mixture for 2 minutes
  • once your time is up, rinse your mouth out thoroughly

Thanks to their salicylic acid content, strawberries help to lighten your teeth gradually while gently scrubbing away any surface stains.
Add to that the malic acid found in strawberries which help to increase saliva production, ultimately helping to wash away any food caught in your teeth or any bacteria found on the surfaces of your enamel.
The baking soda, however, helps to penetrate your enamel and scrub away deeper-set stains within your teeth, lightening them even more.
While this natural teeth whitener is an effective alternative to store-bought whitening treatments, it can slightly irritate your gums. Just be sure to not use this whitener more than once a day to avoid any gum sensitivity.
Et voila! A quick, easy, and natural way to lighten, whiten, and brighten your pearly whites.
So what are you waiting for? Start brushing!
Author: Vanessa is the chief blogging babe for where she blogs and vlogs about all things skincare, including this review on Natox, as well as tons of handy DIY tips and tricks! The best part about her job? She gets to help her readers look and feel their very best!

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