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5 Tips on How to Thrift Clothes Like a Pro

5 Tips on How to Thrift Clothes Like a Pro

Many people have been addicted to thrift clothes shopping nowadays. Who wouldn’t? It satisfies the excitement, budget, and fashion cravings of a lot of people without them having to spend a considerable amount of money. Now, to help you have an enjoyable journey into thrift shopping, here are some tips on becoming a professional thrift shopper.

The 5 Lists of Thrifting Clothes

Pick an Ideal Area

thrift clothes

Before starting your thrift clothes shopping journey, make sure to check out the best thrift shop in your area. Consider the reviews, price range, brand varieties, and cleanliness in the area. This way, you can trim down your choices and have more time choosing the best pieces you can cop. 

A lot of thrift clothes shops in unobserved areas also offer much lower prices than in the urban areas. You can try checking them out if you have a lot of spare time. Try considering the places that are not overcrowded, some of them offer limited pieces that everyone’s been looking for. 

It is better to have a lot of thrift clothes shops in mind, search for information, reduce your choices, and leave the best ones. By doing this, you can arrange the first thrift shop you’ll go to and will not experience much hassle from going back and forth from different places.

By having a lot of thrift clothes shops on your list, you can set a date on each one, have a trip, and explore them one by one weekly. You can witness exciting pieces by doing this. It will also free up your mind from toxic thrift clothes shop places full of aggressive people.

Cope with the Trend

thrift clothes

Search for the latest trend through browsing your fashion icon’s blog account. If you are not able to find the exact piece your fashion icons own, you can instead search for something that is inspired by it. There is a high probability that trending articles might be bought immediately from thrift clothes shops since they offer them for a lower price. 

It is recommended that you go for the things that you think will not attract the eye of many people but are still in the trend. This way, you can buy pieces without experiencing hardships. Also, make sure that the clothing you are going to buy doesn’t have that much damage. Bearable holes and repairable damages will do but still evaluate if the piece is still worthy of the price.

Scrolling through a fashion icon’s blog account will help you have fabulous outfits in your mind, which will help you initially know what type of clothing to find. You can set at least an hour a day if you have a lot on your plate to explore your fashion inspiration feed and make up possible outfits that you think you can find in thrift clothes shops.

Set a Spending Limit

thrift clothes

To control your impulsiveness, you must know how to discipline yourself first. You can start by just bringing a specific amount to the thrift store so that you will have a spending limit in your mind. It will also help you trim down the best choices in your cart and spend a lesser amount of money. Having limited sources to buy something in thrift shops will make you arrange your prioritized clothing in mind, which will lessen your time exploring through thrift shops.

Another tip is setting a particular amount for thrift shopping. Decreasing your budget for 50 dollars will already help you a lot in saving. You can also trim down your thrift shopping days from five days to three. This way, you will have time to think of outfit ideas to look for in the thrift shop.

Make a List


Before going to a thrift shop, make a list of the items you want to buy. Creating several outfit ideas in mind will help you have a straight path on going around thrift shops. It will also help you disregard the pieces you need and keep you away from impulsively buying. You can set a time a week before your thrift shop journey wherein you browse through sites that inspire your outfit ideas.

A lot of sites offer suggestions that match your built, height, and skin color. You can adapt these ideas and apply them to your thrift shopping skills. Doing this will make you look like you are a professional fashion blogger.

You can set a ten-item thrift shop journey every time you go to one. By accomplishing one list a day, you can have double-satisfaction, completing your list, and having new clothes. Two records a week consisting of 10 items is a good number for you to arrange your schedules to your thrift shop trips.

Talk to the Thrift Store Sales Lady


Make a friend in thrift shops that sell a lot of branded clothing at low prices. Having communication with the people from thrift shops will help you keep updated on what stuff will arrive in the coming days. Take note that some of them are not that friendly because some customers have tricked them, so you must ask and talk to them politely without offending them.

It is better that you ask for their contact number and request for a daily update. If you kind of love a brand, you can initiate a friendly talk with the people in the thrift shop and kindly ask them to reserve a specific brand for you. That way, you can have a convenient time in the thrift shop. It will also help you save up for the next thrift shop trip in the coming days because you already know what pieces you will have on your next visit.

Thrift shop adventures are fun. But, you must still consider the things you buy. You should know what to only score and keep in mind that not everything in the thrift shop will suit your fashion genre. So, you must understand what outfit style will fit you for you to know which clothing types to look at.