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Winter Beauty Tips

winter beauty tips

Top ten winter beauty tips

winter beauty tips
As beautiful as winter is, it is also the coldest and driest time of year. Dry hair, chapped lips and dull skin are some of the common beauty issues women endure in this weather. Fortunately, there are solutions for all these issues and more. Follow these practical tips to prepare yourself against the cold and you will look great in winter.

Adapt your cleansing, toning and moisturising routine to suit the weather

You must follow the CTM routine (cleansing, toning and moisturizing) throughout the year to maintain your skin at all times. Nonetheless, you will have to make some changes to this routine in winter. Cleanse no more than two times a day to avoid stripping your skin of its natural oils. Reduce your use of toner to once a day, as this will let your skin pores breathe better. Moisturize at least twice a day. Use an oil-based moisturizer in this weather, to keep your skin soft and supple.

Don’t skip sunscreen

Although it is often cloudy in winter, the sun’s rays still have the intensity to damage your skin. Exposure to the sun’s rays in winter can cause wrinkled skin, increase in moles and freckles and irritation to damaged skin areas. Apply sunscreen to all exposed areas before you step outdoors and reapply it every few hours that you spend outdoors. Make sure your sunscreen is SPF30 or above for complete protection.

Stay hydrated

Keep up your fluid intake in winter. Water is the ideal drink as it hydrates and moisturizes your skin from the inside. Water also flushes out toxins in your blood. This will leave you with clear and glowing skin. Warm, naturally flavored fluids like green tea are a good substitute for water. However, it is best to avoid too many caffeinated drinks and beverages. Also steer clear of alcohol, as it doesn’t help your skin.

Exfoliate for best results

Allow your skin creams and moisturizer to penetrate your skin better by exfoliating regularly to remove dead cells and flaky skin. Either buy a gentle scrub or make a homemade scrub of your own. You can do this by mixing ground oatmeal with honey. Use it once a week on the face and neck. You should also exfoliate your arms and legs to get rid of dead cells and enhance the effect of your moisturizer. Use a pumice stone to buff the sides of your feet before applying creams to heal cracks.

Deep-condition your hair

Just as your skin tends to dry out in winter, so does your hair. Avoid the onset of dandruff and tame dry hair by indulging in hot oil massages once a week. You can use olive oil, coconut oil or a blend of oils and herbs for this purpose. Also use a good quality conditioner every time you shampoo. Let the conditioner soak for some time before washing it out. This will add more moisture to your tresses and make it more manageable.

Give your hair a good trim

Windy weather can aggravate split and frayed ends, and cause excessive damage to hair. Give your hair a good trim before the onset of winter and you can minimize this. The dry weather can also cause hair to break and make it look listless. Apart from regularly conditioning your hair with a good quality conditioner, keep it covered whenever you go outdoors. You can thus protect it from harsh winds and chances of split ends are minimized.

Protect your lips from the cold

Chapped and cracked lips are quite common in this weather. Not only do they look ugly, they can be painful too. Apply a natural lip balm at all times, and especially before you go to sleep. Lip balms that contain Vitamin E are very beneficial. Gently exfoliate your lips few times a week by brushing it gently to get rid of flaky skin. Coconut oil is a good natural moisturizer that will heal and restore the natural beauty of your lips.

Opt for cream-based makeup

Cream and oil-based makeup are ideal for winter. They will hold better and add a layer of moisture to your skin, giving it a dewy look. Irrespective of your skin type, it is a good idea to apply a base of lotion before you put makeup on. When choosing makeup, go with colors that complement your natural complexion. Dress up your eyes and lips with deeper shades to make it pop. Colors like browns and peaches look good at this time of the year. They warm up the natural skin color and prevent looking too pale or washed out.

Shower in lukewarm water

Although it is tempting to bathe in hot water, remember that heat can strip your skin and hair of moisture and leave it dry and flaky. Instead wash your face, body and hair in lukewarm water. Have quick showers that last no more than ten minutes. After you shower, lock the moisture in by applying a moisturizer as soon as you towel dry yourself. Avoid harsh soaps and gels that can irritate your skin. Pamper your skin with oil baths and explore the benefits of natural ingredients like honey and milk in making your skin soft.

Take care of your arms and legs

Rich moisturizers and oils will keep your hands and feet soft and supple. Pumice stones and body brushes will allow you to buff away the rough skin on your arms and feet. At bedtime, slather moisturizer and massage it till it is fully absorbed into your skin. If your skin tends to dry out quickly, use soap-free cleansers. Avoid washing your hands too often as this will dry the moisture in your skin. Maximize the benefits of using creams on your hands by wearing cotton gloves over them for a while after you apply it.