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Top 8 Backyard Decoration Ideas

Top 8 Backyard Decoration Ideas

Make your backyard look stunning this Christmas holidays with great holiday lighting selection. Once festive season unwinds, most of us dream to add some glow and twinkle to our backyard landscape where we can create some lifetime memories with beloved ones. Don’t use plain candle lights this Christmas holidays; instead we have got some really cool ideas to redefine your backyard’s look this holiday season.

8 DIY Backyard Lighting Ideas for Christmas
1. Light Up the Jars

You can hang up glass jars all across the backyard with a light bulb blown into each of them. This will bring all glitters and glamour to your backyard during the festive nights. You may play with the type and colors of jars giving a unique decorative touch to your holiday home outdoor.

2. A Gleaming Welcoming Sign

First of all, find yourself a board which you can use as a welcoming signpost outside your home or you may choose a backyard wall to stick ‘Happy Christmas’ or ‘Happy holidays’ in large letters. Once the sign is ready, glue it to the base and then light each letter using Christmas LED light. You may also use Light bulbs for a brighter appeal.

You may check your store room if you have some Christmas light stored there; the LED lights, when stored properly, can last for many years. And If you don’t have LED lights and bulbs, you can order some of your choice by making few clicks online and get them delivered to your doorstep. If you don’t want to use separated LEDs to décor each letter of the welcoming sign then you may use LED string lights, also called LED strands.

3. The Glazing Trees

Have got some plants or trees in your backyard? Décor them using LED lights and bulbs this Christmas holidays. Or you can also buy Christmas trees and garlands online. Sparkled trees will give a beautiful look to your backyard area at night. Your guests will be delighted with the warmth and beauty of the place.

4. The Basket Lamp

Do you have a grocery and vegetable shopping basket at home? Put LED bulb of large size into it, get a colorful string to hang it up and turn it down for the outdoor lamp look.

5. Brighten Up Cupcakes

Don’t throw away your cupcake papers once you finish eating. Instead clean them gently and use them for backyard décor. Take a Christmas LED light and tie it with the center of the cupcake liner, it will create a magnificent look. There is another cool idea you can use this gleaming cupcakes – you can hang them with the branches of the trees using colorful ribbons.

6. Got many beer bottles? Make a Spectacular Backyard Liner

Get colorful LED string lights and put it into beer bottles covering the circumference of the backyard area. It’s super-fun and extremely easy. Your backyard will have a glowing border for the festive nights.

7. Origami Lighting

You will need some good skills to create origami using white paper. Keep your fingers gentle on the paper. You can also use colorful paper. Once your small paper lanterns are ready, use LED lights or LED strings to lighten them. LED lights don’t heat up and thus make a safe alternative.

8. Tables that Glow from beneath

Just imagine the ambiance you can create by placing large LED bulbs underneath the table. Cover up the tables using mats properly, so one can see only the reflection of lights but not the LED bulbs. This is really a great outdoor décor idea if you are planning a backyard party this Christmas night. This ideal will give a calming touch to your backyard!

Start shopping the Christmas lights and other supplies online today!
Happy Holidaying!