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What Is The Dmae? Skin Care

What Is The Dmae? Skin Care

What Is DMAE in Skin Care Products?

DMAE is a compound in many skincare products while the effects of DMAE on the skin are well-known, many people are unaware of its uses and benefits. Luckily, this compound is widely available and the ingredients that it can be added to are quite versatile.

These small granules can be added to a wide variety of products and they usually blend in well with the rest of the formula. DMAE is found naturally in human brains and fish and has a positive effect on the skin.

Despite this, DMAE is believed to inhibit cellular degeneration. In addition, a recent study of DMAE found that it can reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles. DMAE is also thought to increase elastin production in skin cells which means that it can make your skin look smoother and younger.

There are few clinical studies to back up these claims, so you should proceed with caution. For now, DMAE is considered a safe ingredient for use in cosmetics.