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Which type of skin ages more quickly, oily or dry?

Which type of skin ages more quickly, oily or dry?

It turns out that there are two different kinds of aging. The first is intrinsic aging, which is the kind we all think about: wrinkles, sagging, etc. The other kind of aging is extrinsic aging, which is caused by environmental factors like pollution, sun damage, and smoking.

If you have dry skin, it will age more quickly than oily skin. The reason for this is that the skin’s natural oils act as a natural barrier to protect the skin from environmental stressors like UV rays and pollution. Dry skin ages more quickly because it’s not as hydrated as oily skin, so it loses its elasticity and can’t hold onto moisture. Dry skin is also more likely to wrinkle because it’s thinner and doesn’t bounce back as much when we make expressions. If you have dry skin, make sure you are using hydrating products and that you’re also using products that have a higher SPF.

Dry skin ages more quickly because it’s thinner and has less natural oil. The skin on top is the most exposed to the environment and if it’s dry, it doesn’t have the natural oils to protect itself.

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